Buy better quality, and pay less.
NORDISK PREPPER – Ready For Anything.
Quality Clothing and Equipment For All.
Our goal is to help you enjoy and be prepared for an outdoor life – whether you are just starting to get interested in the big outdoors or have more basic concerns about prepping for what could happen.
As founders our retail roots are based on over 30 years experience working at CEO, board level, senior corporate roles and consulting in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, in customer focused industries. Having lived now in the UK, Belgium and Sweden – we continue to be in awe of the beauty of the North.
As parents and outdoor enthusiasts, there are not many brands that we either have not worn, tried on or searched for, always with an eye on getting the best deal.

Get ready with our help for your next outdoor adventure or become better prepared for the next crisis on the horizon.
As founders we have a great passion for outdoor life, combined with a solid interest in sustainable consumption through circularity and recycling.
And why Prepping?
We are all by now familiar with the shocking daily headlines of a global situation where each and every one of us needs to be prepared for situations that could change at short notice.
So be prepared!
Ready To Explore The Big Outdoors?
Let us help you pick, pack and play in nature’s playground.