A Glossary of Prepper Terms

Prepper kit

For your easy reference, we’ve created this prepper’s dictionary (glossary of prepper terms) because we know it can be confusing sometimes, especially if you are new to the prepping concept. At NORDISK PREPPER, we want to make it easier for you to make good decisions, and therefore have listed many of the words and expressions that often appear when you read about prepping.

The list is in alphabetical order and will be updated as we get input from our community on what is missing or improvements to our explanations.


Airway, Breathing, Circulation – basic first aid steps.


An emergency sleeping bag made of thin, waterproof material.

Bug Out

To leave a dangerous location for safer territory.

Bug Out Bag (BOB)

A pre-packed bag with essential survival items for quick evacuation.


Do It Yourself.

Dry-pack canning

Storing dry foods in sterilised mason jars for long-term storage.


Everyday Carry – survival items carried daily.

Fire extinguishers

Classified by the types of fires they can extinguish.


First in First Out – rotating stored food based on expiration dates.


First Aid Kit.


Family Emergency Plan.

Food grade buckets

Specifically made for food storage to keep food airtight, safe, and dry.


Get Home Bag – helps someone get home during an emergency away from home.


Individual First Aid Kit – compact first aid kit for individual use.


Just In Case.

Mason Jars

Glass jars used for canning food.


Modular Lightweight Load-Carrying Equipment – webbing for attaching gear.


Meals Ready to Eat – vacuum-sealed foods with a long shelf life.

N95 respirator

Personal protective equipment against certain airborne contaminants.


Durable nylon cordage with various uses.


Personal Survival Kit – tools and supplies for survival in emergencies.


People who actively prepare for survival.

Rule of Three

Humans can live three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food.

72-hr kit

Pre-packed collection of essential gear and food for surviving 3 days.


Shelter in Place – staying indoors during an emergency.


Shelter, Fire, Water, Food – survivalist priority order.

I know that we have not covered every word, term or expression – so let us know how we can improve our glossary.